Friday, 1 March 2013


So, we all know the concept of Extradition.. (If you don't, here it is) Extradition involves sending the criminal to the country of which (s)he has committed the crime, in order to be put on trial and punished. This is ordered through International treaties and Conventions (such as the US Constitution).

Extradition is a base for some cases of torture. However as there are pro's and con's to almost everything, it is the same concept here.

Looking at two terrorism related cases- Abu Qatada and Babar Ahmed:

Abu Qatada- charged for terrorism crimes in Jordon, Theresa May has battled with the Courts to send Qatada back to Jordon: in present day (29/03/2013) his extradition has been blocked... Why???

Babar Ahmed: imprisoned for 8 years without trial in the UK, USA wants him for terror activities and the result = success in extradition.

Evidence obtained under torture is prohibited under the Universal Deceleration on Human Rights (UDHR) yet States with high authority such as the USA can extradite and use torture to obtain evidence.

Clearly the UDHR is only a set of rules once broken has no punishment, so is there any need for international legislation?? I personally dont think you should have outdated rules 'trying' to govern the world when they clearly are not being followed.